Bringing You The Best In Handmade
A company committed to bring exceptional HANDMADE & toxin-free alternatives to the ineffective mass produced self care products. We take pride in making the most gentle & safe products on this side of the equator! We as a company firmly believe that, uncomplicated ingredients & simple formulations make the best products & that’s why we have a full ingredient disclosure policy for you to make an informed decision about your personal care. We always make small but fresh batches of all our products to keep them more effective & less toxic. Except our soaps we have a 100% palm free product line, so the orangutan monkeys are safe in their habitat! Our unwavering commitment is to bring safe products for the connoisseurs looking for natural, effective & sustainable personal care products. We also have introduced a revolutionary idea called, Farm-to-Foam , where we make remarkable products from the produce you grow in your farms/terrace gardens. How personal can a bar of soap be , right ?! But thats what we are, shattering all the stereotypes in this space! So, welcome to our amazing world of, everything HANDMADE & everything SUSTAINABLE!






Mom and founder for The Bubble Factory
Sometimes a click on the mouse can change your world! And that’s what happened to us in March 2015. My liberal but conditioned upbringing had made me believe that after all the qualifications I had put behind my name were a success formula for getting a decent job & living my ‘happily-ever-after’. But destiny had some other plans for me & the first act of the play subtly came into existence through an online course from John Hopkins, USA, in ‘harmful chemicals in our daily lives’. This online class stirred up a storm in my life & from being a full-time mother who was occasionally depressed about not having a traditional “JOB” to an accidental entrepreneur that I am today.
I now manage a bustling household of 2 kids, a husband & this start-up we proudly call ‘The Bubble Factory’! (TBF). Our company’s only vision is to ‘KILL-THE-CHEMICAL’!! I Strongly believe that like your food, your skin also deserves products which are made locally, non-toxic, seasonal and fresh. So, Welcome to our small bubble , where everything is 100% HANDMADE , sustainable, toxin-free & WOW!
Co – founder & CEO
Pranav’s DNA is made up of three things – Business acumen , Hard work & positivity! The speed at which this venture established itself as a brand is all thanks to this man! His 16 years in the service industry exposed him to handle all sorts of customers , operations & processes. His experienced backed administrative knowledge gave TBF the cutting edge needed by a startup to succeed over its competitors. Due to this visionary man, the company could grow systematically & seamlessly. A leader who thoroughly understands his company & strongly believes in the term – customers can make or break a company.Hence he values each one of them! In his free time you can join him for a drink & make sure to get along your DOG , as every DOG is his soulmate!

Co – founder & CEO
Pranav’s DNA is made up of three things – Business acumen , Hard work & positivity! The speed at which this venture established itself as a brand is all thanks to this man! His 16 years in the service industry exposed him to handle all sorts of customers , operations & processes. His experienced backed administrative knowledge gave TBF the cutting edge needed by a startup to succeed over its competitors. Due to this visionary man, the company could grow systematically & seamlessly. A leader who thoroughly understands his company & strongly believes in the term – customers can make or break a company.Hence he values each one of them! In his free time you can join him for a drink & make sure to get along your DOG , as every DOG is his soulmate!

Inspiration for The Bubble Factory
Raghav , a kid next door who wants to become the next Cristiano Ronaldo, had a hyper sensitive skin type from his birth. The store bought chemically abused cosmetic products use to aggravate his skin conditions & throw the body’s capability to self-heal over the cliff. Raghav’s smile in the photo above, is a result of a healthy skin which is free of any irritation, breakouts & anxiety of always covering up . This million dollar smile has been the source of all the inspiration for The Bubble Factory!

Inspiration for PURELY PERFECT
Radhika , a child prodigy who we consider our blessing in human form! She has used The Bubble Factory’s products from her first bath in the hospital & that’s why the impeccable skin & volumonous mane! When she turned 4, she started using make-up more than what I had used in my entire 37 years! This was, in a way, alarming to me because as a formulator I know what sh*t goes in. So, while stopping her from using heaps of lipsticks to paint her body, we had our eureka moment of why not build our own make-up line that is clean , gentle & easy ! Like this Purely Perfect was born & since then there’s no looking back for this diva to get painted from head-to-toe & Im happy as her mother because the make up is from PurelyPerfect!

Dalai & Neo
Our tools & equipments
Yes! we are that crazy that we name our equipment too! D is our stand mixer & this enlightened one has calmly & effortlessly whipped gallons of our lotion & hair conditioner bases. This master’s exceptional whipping skills are the sole reason for our chart-topping body butters & lotions!
Neo – Our wire cutter which has cut slabs of soaps to bits of perfection! All handmade soaps are hand cut hence have their rustic shape & size. Having Neo by our side , we upped our production capacity to 300 soap bars per day! We cant think of bulk production without these buddies !
With three more determent female employees at our facility , The Bubble Factory has an abundant divine feminine energy working for it. We are committed to empower all our lady staff , in-turn they can uplift their communities for a better future for all! Before I sign off , I need your commitment for sustainability in all possible ways.Our future generations need the wisdom our ancestors had, to live purposefully & sustain this beautiful planet in an effortless way . None of them deserve our toxic dump! We are honoured to have you as our valuable customers & join us in our quest to create a less toxic world! We will be relentlessly striving to bring you products that help you to feel wonderful , irritation-free & ‘shine-like-a-DIAMOND’ in your own SKINS!